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Religious Education in Elmwood is taught based on the Lambeth Agreed syllabus for RE.  Pupils have the opportunity to explore and enjoy learning about different faiths from Nursery to Year 6. Within the curriculum children learn about the major world faiths (Christianity, Hindu Dharma, Judaism and Islam) as well as non-religious and alternative world views (such as Humanism). During lessons, children explore big questions about life, find out what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live.


Children discuss different faiths, religious celebrations that take place around the world and religious practices. They learn to make sense of religion and reflect on their own ideas and ways of living.  Children gain knowledge and understanding of key religious concepts and their expressions, as well as non-religious ethical worldviews.


As our school is situated in a London borough with huge diversity of faiths, cultures and ethnicity, it is vital that our children gain understanding of the basis and beliefs of the world’s major religions, beliefs and worldviews through a comprehensive and wide-ranging RE curriculum.    

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